How it all began.....
Posted by Edmond Wells on Saturday, March 3, 2012
Back in 1975, I was a student at Gt. Yarmouth College of Art and Design. That was when I saw Fawlty Towers the first time around. At the time there was the Benny Hill show, and Terry and June, then this- Wow!!! from another galaxy of comedy! Liked the Monty Python, but this was something completely different! When I left College, I became an Interior Designer, and Project Manager for some large domestic and commercial projects. Laterly, when I was older, I took up the occasional nickname of Basil, due to my looks, and sometimes my temperment. Perhaps O' Reilly could have learned a thing or two! These were coincidences, as was a rather strong curry I had one evening, which gave me indigestion in the small hours. I made a cup of tea, and sat down in the living room, and watched an Avant Garde Arts programme. This gave the desired effect, as I soon became sleepy. In the last 5 minutes though, a guy from the East End called Ray Whiting came on. He had a Lookalike agency. A Michael Caine Lookalike came on, followed by an Elizabeth Taylor, and members of the Royal family. Ray then said, that if there was anybody out there, who looked like a known celebrity, then get back to him. I took down the number, and rang him the next day. He went "Hilly Billy" when I called. He said he had a "Basil Fawlty," but he didn't look much like him, and he had a strong Scottish accent. He said he had a Lookalikes' Ball in a fortnights time, so if I can get dressed as, and mug up on the character, then come down to the ball, as he had a very good "Manuel" already on the books. I did, and still work with the same "Manuel" on occasions, sometimes with a "Sybil," "Polly" and even a "Major" if required. I have enjoyed a succesful career as a John Cleese impersonator since, with over 1000 bookings to date, in 14 countries, from the USA, Canada, The Middle East, and around Europe, even Cleethorpes!
More recently, I was booked in December 2011, by the New York Stock Exchange at the Lanesborough Hotel in London. There were the top CEO's of the British and American Banks, and from the New York Stock Exchange. I didn't get a loan, but I was very fortunate to be one of the very few, and as "Basil," to get some of their own back!

Another "feather in the cap" amongst many, was working
with Andrew Sachs at The Dorchester Hotel in London.

Public Liabilty insurance with Equity for £10.000.000

Call Ed Today: Fill in the Contact Form to check for availability, costings and for further information.
More recently, I was booked in December 2011, by the New York Stock Exchange at the Lanesborough Hotel in London. There were the top CEO's of the British and American Banks, and from the New York Stock Exchange. I didn't get a loan, but I was very fortunate to be one of the very few, and as "Basil," to get some of their own back!

Another "feather in the cap" amongst many, was working
with Andrew Sachs at The Dorchester Hotel in London.

Public Liabilty insurance with Equity for £10.000.000

Call Ed Today: Fill in the Contact Form to check for availability, costings and for further information.
Tags: "fawlty towers" "john cleese" "lookalike" "manuel lookalike"
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