Wedding anniversaries are both nostalgic and romantic occasions, particularly for the couple who are married. Now, you can make the event one of the most inventive and hilarious days for the couple to remember, and for all the guests who attend.

For fun wedding anniversary party ideas, Imagine your guests being greeted by Basil Fawlty at the reception. There is also a Sybil Fawlty, who can assist with quaffing the drinks, or as Basil said, "Do you fancy another vat of wine dear?" Manuel can assist with the serving of the drinks, or canape's. "That's canape's Manuel, not can of peas." Another poke in the eye for Manuel...The wedding anniversay entertainment service can continue after announcing the meal, and having everyone sat at the tables. The interactive entertainment can be played in two different ways. One is on a subtle level, leaving your guests to recognize the characters, who will be acting their roles, but not full on. That is, not to start with anyway; the other way is to make it as a complete surprise. Other wedding anniversary party ideas include a loud crash in the kitchen area, just before the main course is about to be served. It's sounding like all the meal has just dropped on the floor and is ruined. A member of staff is overheard to be responsible, and is sacked. Meanwhile, it's overheard that the food problem is about to be recovered, by scrapping it off the floor, and being put on some new plates, as everyones probably too drunk to notice the difference. Basil then makes his first appearance from the kitchens, apologizing for the slight fracas in the kitchen, as he just can't get the staff!
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Often, this is supplemented with a serving trolley sketch. Basil makes a speech, with reference to the meal being changed to duck. He mentions that it should be Manuel that serves up the meal, but as usual, you just can't get the staff, and if he had his way, he would have Manuel's head on a plate. He sharpens the carving knife on the steel, lifts the cloche cover, and there, low and behold, is Manuel's head on a plate. There is a hole in the top of the serving trolley, which allows someone to sit underneath. What appears, is someone's head, often the son of the couple, or someone everyone can recognize, with a false moustache on. He sees Basil with the carving knife, he screams, and is chased out of the room by Basil, in hot pursuit. If "Manuel" is required for the ocassion, he can then appear, look rather disgruntled, and mention that this impostor doesn't even look like him! It's now "game on" for entertainment around the tables, and with options of a "Sybil" to join in with the affray. Also Manuel's rare filigree Siberian hamster may also make his opening debut!....
At the end of the meal, you may want to get your guests into the real party spirit, and have a Manuel recruiting competition. This involves 4-6 Ladies and Gentlemen are called to the front, dressed as waiters and waitresses, and given three different routines. The last one involves everyone singing "Viva Espania" (All in the best possible taste of course)! The candidates now have sombreros and merachas in their hands. They dance around the tables, come up to the front, and then voted for the best Manuel or Emmanuel by applause. The winner gets a bottle of pop, or whatever's deemed suitable, and a 30 year contract, working at Fawlty Towers. A great wedding 25th Anniversary party!

The costings for the event are relatively easy to work out. It is based on a standard time window, as opposed to all the different options, as they can vary so much from one event to another.
So contact Ed now to find out availability for your event, and for any further information.
For the best in Fawlty Towers wedding entertainment Contact:
Edmond Wells
Mobile: +44 (0) 7767 863415
Freephone (UK) 0800 234 3039
Call Ed Today: Fill in the Contact Form to check for availability, costings and for further information.